Tuesday, February 4, 2020

after you meticulously calculatingly murdered dad/ for his money?

over a period of months/
from june 2018 to february 2019?


let me think about that question.

alright mr murderer. i have a compromise.

the laws of canada CLEARLY SAY that you and winnie are required to give me a copy of dads final will and testament!

you know? the illegally fraudulized testament you and winnie are terrified to give me a copy of!

i mean , holy jesus. you've gone to incredible lengths to avoid that jeff. that obviously verifies something incriminating on your parts as well. why in the world would you two go to the ridiculous lengths you've gone to prevent me from having what canadas laws clearly state i'm entitled to.
which is a copy of dads final will and testament!

heres the deal. you give me a copy of dads final will and testament and then i'll give you a copy of my flyer.

if you obey the law by giving me a copy of dads final will and testament, then i'll consent to giving you a copy of my flyer.

okay? mr murderer?
fair deal?

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