Tuesday, February 4, 2020

No one knows how evil you are.

The public must be made aware of the dangers you and winnie present to the public.

 it's legal jeff. Under those circumstances.

I've already checked.

I'm clearly obeying canadas laws in that regard.
By doing this.
You and winnie clearly committed major crimes here.

Explained in my websites.
And the public must be warned that you are both murderers.
Cold and calculating murderers.
It's perfectly legal, of me, to hand out flyers, warning the public that you are calculating killers.
I'm obeying the laws in that regard.

I checked.

Unlike what you and winnie did.
In basically countless ways, in fact.

Let's go through the facts on that too.

You patiently poison an old man.
For months, on end.
During the last year of his life.

With your children's knowledge.

Clearly the kids knew.

I watched this situation unfold.

In many ways.

But also, the kids knew what you and winnie were up to, in slowly poisoning dad

Because of the weird things winnie said to me regarding the clearly falsified document winnie deceitfully made up.

The one she placed on her phone.

That's clearly illegal.

And deranged on your parts.

Unlike me.
I didnt break any laws there deliberately either.

You two did.
With your children's knowledge.

They knew.
They should have warned the public and dad that you two are murderers.

That breaks so many different laws its pathetically hypocritical on your parts.

On that note the public has to be warned that you and your children are manipulative homicidal deviant maniacs.

The public has the right to be aware of stuff like that, jeff.

I checked.

You poisoned dad  deceitfully in an incredibly hypocritical cowardly fashion.
Under the guise of a supposed good son.
Visiting him with unpackaged victuals and liquuds for him to eat and drink.

Then, after he passed out from drinking and eating theee poisons and sedatives
You searched through his belongings.

And stole a lot of dads stuff.

While he was still alive.

You did that also so you could search for his last will and testament.
So you could commit fraud .against a legal document..

 so you could commit fraud and alter a legal document.
His final will and testament.

That's majorly disrespectful jeff.

Dishonor dads last will and testament.

Jesus doesnt tell Christian's to dishonor their fathers testament.
As exodus 20, 12 states.
And you obviously

Also did that with your children's knowledge...

I know because I watched all this unfold.

I didnt realize what you were up to, til dad ended up in the hospital.
Half dead.
But I finally put the pieces of this matter together.

That hypocritically breaks so many other laws
On your parts too, when you check the laws of canada that its infinitely callous of you.

Which all leads to cold calculative murder.
Of a helpless old man.

The public needs to be made aware, on that note, that you and winnie, and your children are co conspirators in the strangest crime of murder to ever have been committed in canada.

I checked,  jeff.

What I'm doing is totally legal on that note.

Unlike what you did.

You broke so many laws of canada in so many different jurisdictions actually, that its mind boggling, almost.

And you did it with a smile on your face.

THATS evil on your parts.

And the laws of canada clearly state that, canadian citizens have the right to be aware that dangerous murderers are around.

So meditate on that part of canadas laws jeff.

You lucky boy,  you.

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